
Speaking Kindness on World Refugee Day

Speaking Kindness on World Refugee Day

„Kindness is fundamental to the human existence.It is not something that demands hard work. It originates from the simple act of doing no harm to others and It involves judging less.Kindness does not require you to be of religious faith or even spiritual. Even one of...

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Speaking Kindness on World Refugee Day

Newsletter June 2020

In these strange days, weeks, months, time seems to stand still…but NGOs in Greece have been working non stop, and the rhythm there has been everything but slowing down: due to the situation imposed by the corona virus many NGOs are struggling with lack of volunteers...

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Speaking Kindness on World Refugee Day

Newsletter February 2020

NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY 2020DISCOOur Spring Disco is back on Eel Pie Island!21st March 6pm-11pmJoin us to celebrate the return of spring with a fantastic night of dining and dancing.Hurry, all our past discos have sold out!You can buy your tickets HEREBACK FROM...

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Speaking Kindness on World Refugee Day

Warmth and love in winter

[wpvideo sPaNVqZK] Our November collection for Greece arrived in Lesbos a few days ago, on the OHOB truck. It is now being distributed by the ever so efficient Attika Human Support team to people who most need it. Our thanks go to all who gave time, money, goods, help...

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Speaking Kindness on World Refugee Day

„Greece’s prison islands“

On Sunday afternoon, two fires broke out, one outside the hotspot of Moria on Lesvos, which was quickly extinguished and the other one shortly after inside the camp. The fire started inside a container due to electric cables and it spread rapidly eventually burning...

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Speaking Kindness on World Refugee Day

Newsletter September 2019

Dear friends and supporters,September is back!Here is a little update... because WE NEED TO ACT The Olive GroveOver the summer the situation on the Greek Islands has been worsening. People are arriving in dinghies every day. Just the second week of September on Lesvos...

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Speaking Kindness on World Refugee Day

Collaboration works better

The ongoing human tragedy across the Mediterranean and Europe still shocks and moves the public at large. Millions of people from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Eritrea, Congo, Sudan etc, have been forced from their homes by conflicts, violence, persecution,...

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Art Auction 2019

Art Auction 2019

A great big thank you to all who participated in and supported our event Three Peas hosted their second Silent and Live Charity Art Auction on 17 May 2019 at Twickenham in London. The event was in support of our work in Greece helping people fleeing war and...

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What Götz Friedewald says about this piece of art “Algid is part of a creative series named Cubes. It is clean and cold as ice. It mirrors its environment but its inner self stays hidden.” Friday 17th May Twickenham Riverside There will be paintings, prints and...

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Take some street art home! Muhammad Ali , stencil on light paper, 80x51 Mr. Fahrenheit, born in Berlin, Germany, the city with the largest canvas in Europe, he was the first artist to paint the Berlin Wall from both sides in one single night. As it was still before...

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